In Nepal’s federal system, the provincial and local governments have a key role to play in the provision of energy related services, in development planning, and in providing financial support like subsidies. In this regard, the programme supports the provincial and local governments through capacity development, documentation, energy planning, budgeting, and setting up of energy planning units and committees.

Further, technical support is provided to subnational governments in the implementation and dissemination of "best practices" e.g., in Municipal Energy Planning. The support is provided with particular focus on the socio-economic development of women, minority groups and disadvantaged population. The institutional structures are promoted to sustainably anchor participatory RE and EE promotion in the provinces and local governments.


Major activities of this component comprise of :

1. Capacity enhancement of provincial governments 

2. Capacity enhancement of local governments 

3. Formulation and implementation of municipal energy plan

4. Socio-economic development of women and disadvantaged groups